Control Portal Build Notes and Changes - September 2023 
Major Feature Additions / Changes

1. Multi-tenant SSO Management (Microsoft 365) - Partners can now manage multiple Microsoft 365 SSO registrations so that end customers and other organizations underneath of the partner can access the management and client apps all from he same SSO account 

2. Simplified and Enhanced Microsoft 365 & Teams Integration Menu - A easier and more intuitive Microsoft 365 Integration Menu as been relaunched. This makes things easier to deploy individual features. 

We have also build some automation and checker tools to assist with Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Configuration


UI Changes 


3. Developed a component for all fields on the website:
This has been done to standardize a solution for the website fields (text and number boxes, dropdowns, lists...). This serves us as a web tool that ensures a seamless user experience for the user.

4. Enhanced list behavior:
Checking an item's checkbox also checked the master checkbox, this is a standard in the web that improved the cohesion of the action in the web.

5. Improved the display of the 'settings > parameters' menu.

6. Adjusted the extension bulk edit menu, introducing an "indeterminate" state for checkboxes with different values.

7. Added All Options for mobile QR code to extension edit.

8. Restructured buttons to align icons to the left, followed by button text:

9. Improved design consistency of list icons replaced check icons with plus:


10. Removed the SMS feature from extension edit in recent versions, as it is now managed from the web client. This feature will come under control at some point.

11. Resolved an issue by double-clicking in some lists that would trigger the unintended opening of the element of that list.

12. Optimized the saving and loading process in the extensions and DECT Phones menu.

13. Cleaned up code by removing unnecessary tags, deprecated code, comments and test code.

14. Implemented a sticky button group that remains visible when scrolling in all menus:

15. Added the option to include help text in the number box component.

16. Integrated a feature for uploading profile pictures::

17. Revamped the Logos & CSS section.

18. Corrected typographical errors.



General Bug Fixes

19. Fixed Bug: Fixed Issue with End User Rights / Permissions Around Shop and Logo Options

20. Bug Fix: Issue on newly ordered / created accounts where you are unable to create new extensions

21: Bug Fix: Resolved issue where making changes in PBX Management Dashboard breaks the direct routing link to Microsoft Teams if active and enabled.

22. Fixed Bug: Issue where Emergency Number Module was not saving changes

23. Fixed Bug: Issue where the Record Media Prompt & Play was not behaving properly

24. Fixed Bug: Issue where underlying PBX access and credentials where not populating

25. Fixed Bug: Fixed data / time issue with reports selection


26. Fixed Bug: Fixed Issue with End User Rights / Permissions Around Shop and Logo Options

Minor Feature Changes

27. Enhanced the 'Recordings' feature with a new menu for SFTP recordings:


28. Added a button for importing SIP Trunks:

29. Users can now choose between dark and light themes.

30: For High Availability Accounts: On Demand Reboot, Scheduled Reboot, Services Restart Reintroduced with new logic to prevent failover between primary and secondary systems. 

31. For High Availability Accounts: 1Stream Services will now automatically move from primary to secondary systems during failover

Security Changes

32. Updated JWT token for improved security:
The JWT token (a method used for securely transmitting information between two parties) has been updated in order to enhance security measures.

33. Newly created extensions will now be automatically created with a more secure default password

34: Extensions menu will now show icon for extensions with any weak passwords

35. Fixed a bug in the extension editing roles/rights where users could be granted via underlying phone system web access, bypassing this way the global control rights and roles.