This post is timely and just after some large internet and cloud outages within the last month or two. I ran across this article by our friends at CRN.
We have talked multiple times about public cloud offerings and why you should be careful to understand your disaster recovery plans as NOBODY is going to be up 100% of the time in any one region or data center.
The other reality is that a lot of the issues that seem to occur are caused by a human being at some level. This was the most recent example where someone in Google's billing department turned down services for a customer without notice and gave them 3 days to correct it or the data / account would be deleted completed.
Cloud is not going away and clearly is growing but it is important to understand what you are buying and have clear expectations on all things considered.
Make sure you analyze everything from costs at scale, security, redundancy, etc so that you are not caught off guard.....the rest of 2018 awaits!