Snom M100 Cordless Key Line System for Small Business
We have all had scenarios were small Micro Businesses, Retail Locations, Family Businesses, and generally sub 5 user opportunities have popped up. Usually in these cases you need to mix and match several difference devices from different manufacturers to mimic that good old cordless phone setup from the big box electronics stores. In some cases, you actually went to the electronics store and picked up a system meant for home use and plugged it into an adapter to get things to work but it just fell short of what the small business needs.
A Better Option
Now there is a better option. A desktop phone bundled with cordless phones with great range from a good base station that can be strategically positioned. You can configure these systems to work like a good old line system where you can flip between up to 4 "lines" or callers and allow users to flip in between handsets or the desktop phone easily.
Use Cases
Retail Locations
Small Shops
Home Offices
Warehouses (with Rugged Cordless Handset)
Heavy Use or High Traffic Environments (with Rugged Cordless Handset)
Up to 10 Cordless Handsets
Up to 500 Feet Range from the Base Station
Answer / Make Calls
Hold, Transer, Pickup, Intercom
Up to six "lines" or concurrent calls