Ask any 20-something how often he or she relies on voicemail and expect this response: almost never. This day and age millennials prefer to execute communication—both personal and professional—via texting or instant messaging; even emails are answered on personal smartphones in favor of desktops.
So as a business owner why do you need to be concerned with the technology preferences of this generation? Well, millennials are taking over the workplace, as evidenced by the fact thatby 2020 nearly halfof US workers will be millennials. Simply put, today’s workers are demanding real-time communications tools that they can use across the devices of their choosing. As such, businesses are increasingly looking to take advantage of unified communications in order to keep up with millennial BYOD preferences.
If your organization offers a robust UC system, your millennial employees won’t have to resort to using apps or third-party messaging systems on their personal devices to communicate. And that’s a good thing. After all, research shows the BYOD movement can cause security vulnerabilities, data loss and IT complications. Conversely, companies that offer a central platform to communicate become both attractive to the tech savvy newcomers and less susceptible to security mishaps.
3CX, for instance, offers a best-in-class unified communications platform designed to increase the productivity of young workers while curtailing security issues associated with the BYOD movement. The following features are available to organizations:
Click hereto learn more about the functions and services you need to please your fast paced employees and stay safe at the same time.