telstra spam protect

TPG Telecom/ Vodafone RVA – from 11 March 2025

TPG (which includes AAPT and Vodafone networks) will be introducing a new recorded voice announcement that will be applied to blocked numbers from the 11th of March 2025. TPG is currently blocking calls from A numbers involved in confirmed scam events and on the DNO list. They have confirmed that they are not introducing new blocking as part of this change.

From 11 March 2025, callers from blocked numbers will hear the recording "This call did not reach your intended destination. Please contact your service provider, advise them of this announcement - Message ID C661 - TPGT.”

When the confirmed scam event has been call spoofing, it is recognised that calls from the genuine number owner may be incorrectly impacted. TPG is hoping that the RVA will better allow the caller understand where the blocking is taking place to assist with fault finding and quicker resolution.

If you have traffic that you feel has been incorrectly impacted by this RVA please reach out to the Symbio team citing the TPG RVA ("C661 TPGT") to assist you. We are seeking further details on any requirements involved.

Optus RVA and IVR Challenge – from 1 July 2025

Optus have notified us they will be the introducing new scam prevention measures from 1 July 2025. These measures include:

  • Sending calls to a Recorded Voice Announcement (RVA)
  • Applying an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Challenge
    • IVR as follows – “Welcome, to connect your call please enter the following three digits followed by the hash key xxx.”  (where xxx is a random 3-digit number)
    • Where caller inputs the correct 3-digit number the call will be allowed to progress 
    • Callers are given a total of 3 attempts to input code correctly before call is disconnected
  • Other measures that Optus deems necessary or appropriate

Please be aware that Optus will apply these measures to calls using an Optus Calling Line Identifier (Optus CLIs) that are originated outside the Optus network and will be starting with Optus Mobile CLI. However they may also use these measures for calls using non-Optus Calling Line Identifier (non-Optus CLIs), where suspicious patterns are identified.